The Practice of Democracy. A Selection of Civil Engagement Initiatives
Quoting: G. Sgueo, The Practice of Democracy. A Selection of Civil Engagement Initiatives, Parliamentary research Service, PE 651.970 – June 2020
Quoting: G. Sgueo, The Practice of Democracy. A Selection of Civil Engagement Initiatives, Parliamentary research Service, PE 651.970 – June 2020
Quoting: G. Sgueo, Collective Intelligence at EU Level Social and Democratic Dimensions, Parliamentary research Service, PE 649.356 – March 2020
Quoting: G. Sgueo, Digital democracy Is the future of civic engagement online?, Parliamentary research Service, PE 646.161 – February 2020
Quoting: G. Sgueo, Using Technology to “co-create” Eu Policies, Parliamentary research Service, PE 646.127 – January 2020
Quoting: Gianluca Sgueo, Amministrazioni più trasparenti ed efficienti con la fatturazione elettronica, in Giornale di Diritto Amministrativo, n. 5-2019
On Monday 4 November 2019 at 09:00, in Rome – Via Ostiense 139 – The University of Roma Tre organizes a day entitled “1979 – 2019: 40 years of European elections”, a meeting dedicated to the
A new lecture about the impact of the Gamification in the public sector is scheduled for the 19th of October 2019 at the University of Ferrara. The Department of Economics and Management of the University
Saturday 12 October at The Internet Festival 2019 (from 3 to 4 pm) in collaboration with La Feltrinelli Librerie, the book Games, Powers & Democracies will be presented with the author. This book explores the
Quoting: Gianluca Sgueo, Punteggi, classifiche, premi: è possibile “giocare” con le politiche pubbliche?, in Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, n. 2-2019