Global Faculty Fund, received from the New York University / New York, United States – amount granted: 5,000$.
Visiting Research Fellowship, received from the Amsterdam Centre of International Law / University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam, The Netherlands – duration: 4 months.
Post Doc Scholarship, received from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia / Lisbon, Portugal – duration: 36 months / amount granted: 54,000 €.
Research Scholarship (Enseignant Chercheur Invité), received from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris / Chaire Mutations de l’Action Publique et du Droit Public / Paris, France – duration: 8 months / amount granted: 4,000 €.
Research Scholarship (Visiting Research Scholar), received from the New York University School of Law / The Hauser Global Law Program / New York, United States – duration: 12 months / amount granted: 8,000 $.
PhD Scholarship, received from the University of Salento / Faculty of Law / Lecce, Italy – duration: 36 months / amount granted: 36,000 €.